Test name | Alternative name for |
T Cell Receptor Gamma Chain Gene Rearrangements | |
t(11;14) | BCL1-IgH Fusion Gene Analysis |
t(14;18) | BCL2 Translocation |
t(8;21) | RUNX1-RUNX1T1 Gene Fusion |
T3; Free | Free T3 |
T4; Free | Free T4 |
Tacrolimus | |
Taenia solium cysticerci Serology | Cysticercosis Serology |
Tau | Alzheimer |
Tau Gene | MAPT Gene Test |
TB Culture | Mycobacteria Microscopy & Culture |
TB PCR - Histology Paraffin Scroll Prep | |
TBI Markers | |
TBPCR | Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR |
TCR Gene Rearrangement (Tissue) | Gene Rearrangement Analysis TCR (FFPE Tissue) |
TCR Gene Rearrangements | T Cell Receptor Gamma Chain Gene Rearrangements |
Tegretol | Carbamazepine |
Teicoplanin | |
Telomere | |
Telomere Length | Telomere |
Teriflunomide is the active metabolite of Leflunomide | Leflunomide level |
Test entry | zzz For Admin Test Purposes Only
This test is currently being reviewed For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in: Anatomical Pathology |
Testosterone | |
Testosterone Free | |
Testosterone LCMSMS | |
Tetanus antibodies | Tetanus Antitoxin |
Tetanus Antitoxin | |
Tetracycline Bone Labelling | Bone Biopsy (Mineralised Bone Histology) |
Thallium Blood | |
Thallium Urine (24hr) | |
Thallium Urine (Random) | |
Theophylline | |
Thiamine | Vitamin B1 |
Thick and Thin films
Alethia molecular malaria
ICT | Malarial Parasites |
Thiocyanate | |
Thiopentone | |
Thiopurine Metabolites | |
Thiopurine Methyl Transferase | TPMT Phenotype+/- Genotype |
This is NOT Chromosome Gene Banding | Chromosome analysis- MICROARRAY |
Thoracic Cavity Fluid for Cytology | Cytology - Body Cavity Effusions/Fluids |
Throat culture | Swab for culture - superficial |
Thrombin Clotting Time | |
Thyroglobulin | |
Thyroglobulin Antibodies | Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies |
Thyroglobulin Fluid | |
Thyroid Function Tests | |
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone | TSH |
Thyrotropin-receptor Antibodies | TSH Receptor Antibodies |
Thyroxine; Free | Free T4 |
Tissue Arsenic | Arsenic Tissue |
Tissue Copper | Copper; Tissue |
Tissue culture | |
Tissue Disaccharidase | Disaccharidase Tissue |
Tissue Iron | Iron Tissue |
Tissue Pathology | Biopsy |
Tissue Pathology - Location | Anatomical Pathology - Location, Contacts & On-Call |
Tissue Plasminogen Activator | |
Tissue Typing | HLA Typing |
TnI | Troponin I |
Tobramycin | |
Total Free Carnitine | Carnitine |
Total Haemolytic Complement | |
Total Inhibin | Inhibin |
Total Protein | |
Toxicology Investigation Complex | Complex Toxicology Investigation |
Toxocara Serology | |
Toxoplasma PCR | |
Toxoplasma Serology | |
Toxoplasma Serology (confirmation) | |
TP53 Mutation | |
TPA | Tissue Plasminogen Activator |
TPHA | Syphilis Serology |
TPMT Phenotype+/- Genotype | |
Transferrin | |
Transferrin Receptor Index | Soluble Transferrin Receptor |
Transferrin Saturation | |
Transfusion Services | |
Transglutaminase IgA Antibodies | |
Transketolase | Vitamin B1 |
Transthyretin | |
Treponemal PCR | Syphilis PCR |
Trichinella EIA Serology | |
Tricyclic Antidepressant Screen | |
Triglycerides | |
Trileptal | Oxcarbazepine metabolite |
Tropheryma whipplei PCR | Whipples PCR |
Tropism Assay | CCR5-CXCR4 Tropism |
Troponin I | |
Troponin I- ISTAT | STROPI |
Troponin T | |
TRYPAN | Trypanosomes |
Trypanosoma brucei | African Trypanosomiasis Serology |
Trypanosoma cruzi | American trypanosomiasis Serology |
Trypanosomes | |
Tryptase | |
TSH | |
TSH Receptor Antibodies | |
TTG | Transglutaminase IgA Antibodies |
Tuberculin Sensitivity Test | Mantoux Test |
Tumour Protein 53 Mutation | TP53 Mutation |
TWL monthly serum (CYT) | HLA Antibodies |
Typhoid serology | Salmonella Serology |
Tzanck Smear for Cytology | Cytology - Tzanck Smear |