Test name | Alternative name for |
F-Actin autoantibodies | Anti F-Actin antibodies |
Fabry disease | Lysosomal Storage Disorders |
Fabry disease gene | GALA Gene Test |
FACS | Flow cytometry Immunophenotyping |
Factor B | |
Factor H | Complement Factor H |
Factor I | |
Factor II | |
Factor II Inhibitor Screen | |
Factor IX | |
Factor IX Gene Mutation | |
Factor IX Inhibitor Screen | |
Factor V | |
Factor V Inhibitor Screen | |
Factor V Leiden Mutation | |
Factor VII | |
Factor VII Inhibitor Screen | |
Factor VIII | |
Factor VIII Bethesda Assay | Factor VIII Inhibition Level |
Factor VIII Binding Assay | |
Factor VIII binding defect | Normandy (Von Willebrand Factor) Gene Analysis |
Factor VIII Gene Mutation | |
Factor VIII Inhibition Level | |
Factor X | |
Factor X Inhibitor Screen | |
Factor XI | |
Factor XI Inhibitor Screen | |
Factor XII | |
Factor XIII Assay | |
Factor XIII Inhibition Level | |
Faecal alpha-1 Antitrypsin | alpha-1 Antitrypsin; Faeces |
Faecal Calprotectin | |
Faecal Elastase | |
Faecal Fat | |
Faecal Occult Blood | Occult Blood |
Faecal Reducing Substances | |
Faeces Culture | |
Faeces ova cysts and parasites | Ova, cysts and parasites |
Familial Mediterranean Fever | |
Farmers Lung | Fungal Precipitins |
Fascioliasis Serology | |
Fasting Blood Glucose | Glucose |
FBE | |
FE | Iron |
Ferritin | |
Feto-Maternal Haemorrhage | |
FGF23 | |
FH | Complement Factor H |
FHL1 | Complement Factor H |
FIBAG | Antigenic Fibrinogen Level |
Fibrinogen | |
Fibrinogen - Clauss | Fibrinogen |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 | FGF23 |
Filaria Immunochromatography | |
Filarial Serology | Dirofilarial immitis Serology |
Filariasis Serology | Dirofilarial immitis Serology |
Filiariasis | Microfilaria |
Fine Needle Aspiration for Cytology | Cytology - FNA Specimens |
FISH-Solid Tumour Cytogenetics | Cytogenetics - Solid Tumour FISH |
FLATFER | Asialotransferrin; Fluid |
Flavivirus Group Ab Screen | Flavivirus Serology |
Flavivirus PCR | |
Flavivirus Serology | |
Flecainide level | |
Flow cytometry | Flow cytometry Immunophenotyping |
Flow Cytometry CSF | CSF for Flow Cytometry |
Flow cytometry Immunophenotyping | |
FLT3 Mutation Analysis | |
FLT3-ITD | FLT3 Mutation Analysis |
FLT3-TKD | FLT3 Mutation Analysis |
Flucloxacillin | |
Fluconazole | |
Flucytosine | 5 Flucytosine |
Fluid (Pleural) pH | |
Fluid biochem | FLUID miscellaneous |
Fluid Biochemistry | |
Fluid Cell Count and Culture | |
FLUID miscellaneous | |
Fluid PTH | |
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies (CSF) | Syphilis Serology (CSF) |
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies (Serum) | Syphilis Serology |
Fluoride Blood | |
Fluoride Number | Cholinesterase |
Fluoxetine | |
FMF gene testing | Familial Mediterranean Fever |
FMH | Feto-Maternal Haemorrhage |
FNA Bookings | Cytology - FNA Booking Procedure |
Foetal Chromosome Analysis | Cytogenetics - Products of Conception |
Foetal Haemoglobin | Haemoglobin Electrophoresis |
Foetal Tissue Examination | |
Foetoprotein; alpha | alpha Foetoprotein |
Folate Serum | |
Folate; Red Cell | |
Folic Acid | Folate; Red Cell |
Follicle Stimulating Hormone | FSH |
Formalin Containers | Histology Specimen Containers |
Fragile X-DNA Test | |
Free Androgen Index | |
Free Carnitine | Carnitine |
Free Haemoglobin | Haemoglobin; Plasma |
Free Light Chains | |
Free Phenytoin | Phenytoin, free |
Free T3 | |
Free T4 | |
Free Testosterone | Testosterone Free |
Free Thyroxine | Free T4 |
Friedreich ataxia | |
Friedreich's ataxia FXN | Friedreich ataxia |
Frozen Sections | |
Fructosamine | |
FSH | |
FTDP-17 | MAPT Gene Test |
Full Blood Examination | FBE |
Fungal culture | Nail Clippings for Fungi |
Fungal culture | Skin Scrapings for Fungi |
Fungal Culture | |
Fungal PCR | |
Fungal PCR – Histology Paraffin Scroll Prep | |
Fungal Precipitins | |
Fusidic acid level | |
FV Leiden | Factor V Leiden Mutation |
FVLM | Factor V Leiden Mutation |
Fycompa | Perampanel |