Anatomical Pathology Specimens (Tissue, Fluids & Bloods)
Non-Shared Specimen:
i.e. No Microbiology or Immunology requests on the same specimen
Formalin fixed tissue specimens, fresh tissue specimens and cytology specimens: Write up on AP log sheet and deliver to Anatomical Pathology by Internal Courier.
Blood tubes: Blood specimens for autoantibody serology performed in Anatomical Pathology (ANA, ANCA, Adrenal, GPC, Heart, LKM, Mitochondrial, Neuronal, skeletal muscle, striated and smooth muscle) are daybooked and centrifuged before being written up on AP log sheet and delivered by Internal Courier.
Urgent Processing: Any Specimen marked “Urgent” or “Frozen Section” or “Immunofluorescence” and CSF specimens for cytology. These should be delivered to Anatomical Pathology immediately. Call the histology laboratory (extn 62476) to collect if necessary.
Shared Specimen with Microbiology:
i.e. Microbiology request on the same specimen
Cytology Fluids: Deliver whole specimen to Microbiology first.
Tests for micro are daybooked, as well as ‘CYTO’ for specimens unable to be split. Specimen and request are labelled with a “specimen to be shared” sticker. AP receives a copy of the request marked as “Slip Only” (delivered by Internal Courier). It is documented on the AP log sheet.
Fresh Tissue: Deliver whole specimen to Anatomical Pathology first.
Specimen and request are labelled with a “specimen to be shared” sticker. A Pathologist will assess and divide the specimen to provide a sample for Microbiology.The sample for Microbiology will be returned by Anatomical Pathology to CSP for daybooking.
Shared Specimen with Immunology:
i.e. Immunology (eg Flowcytometry or AA’s) request on the same specimen
Fresh tissue: Deliver whole specimen to Anatomical Pathology first.
A Pathologist will divide the specimen to provide a sample for Immunology.The sample for Immunology will be returned by Anatomical Pathology to CSP for daybooking.
Blood tubes: Some autoantibody serology is performed in Anatomical Pathology (ANA, ANCA, Adrenal, GPC, Heart, LKM, Mitochondrial, Neuronal, skeletal muscle, striated and smooth muscle). Blood specimens are daybooked and centrifuged before being written up on AP log sheet and delivered by Internal Courier.
Microbiology Specimens
Refer to table.
Anatomical Pathology Specimens
If any specimen received after hours is marked “Urgent” or “Frozen Section” please contact the On-Call Anatomical Pathologist through Switchboard. This should happen rarely; urgent specimens are generally discussed with the Pathologist beforehand (if possible avoid calls between 10 pm and 7 am).
Formalin fixed tissue: After hours store all fixed specimens at room temperature (NB: Do not place formalin specimens in the fridge).
Fresh tissue: After hours contact the on-call Pathologist or Scientist (NB avoid calls between 10pm to 7am if possible). Store sample in the refrigerator.
Cytology specimens: After hours store in the refrigerator. If a CSF see below;
CSF Specimen:
Outside Cytology Hours but within Microbiology Hours daybook as CYTO and pass to Microbiology who will prepare the Cytospin smears for Cytology
(NB. Between 5pm and 5:30pm please contact Cytology on Extn 63088 ASAP to advise them a CSF has been received). If notified Cytology will collect and process.
Outside Microbiology Hours daybook as CYTO and store in the refrigerator in the AP box.
Shared Specimen with Microbiology:
i.e. Microbiology request(s) on the same specimen.
Fresh tissue: Treat the same as AP shared specimens in normal hours and store in the refrigerator in the AP box.
CSF Specimen: Store at room temperature in the Micro rack. Tests for micro are daybooked, as well as ‘CYTO’ for specimens unable to be split. Specimen and request are labelled with a “specimen to be shared” sticker. Store CSF specimen at room temperature in the Micro rack. AP receives a copy of the request marked “Slip only” (delivered by Internal Courier). It is documented on the AP log sheet.
Shared Specimen with Immunology:
i.e. Immunology request(s) on the same specimen (eg request says Flowcytometry, T&B cells, phenotyping, lymphoma) or if blood tubes for autoantibody testing.
Fresh tissue: If specimen arrives after hours contact the On-Call Pathologist (NB avoid calls between 10pm to 7am if possible). Store in refrigerator in the interim.
Blood tube: Daybook, centrifuge and store in refrigerator. |