Semen specimens for infertility investigations, donor screening and pre-chemotherapy cryopreservation cannot be accepted by Alfred Pathology Service.
Semen for these investigations requires analysis within 30 minutes from the time of collection.
If a patient presents with a sample at Central Specimen Reception
1). Take the sample
2). Contact the requesting doctor
· Advise that Alfred Pathology Service does not perform semen analysis and cannot accept this specimen for processing
· Inform them that due to the fragility of semen and the transit time required the sample would be rejected by the reference laboratory. Analysis for this type of investigation is required within 30 minutes of collection.
· Request they refer the patient directly to an accredited collection facility where the patient can make an appointment for a fresh collection.
· Referral options include the Andrology Services at the Royal Womens Hospital, the Monash Medical Centre, Monash IVF or through a private laboratory such as Dorevitch or Melbourne Pathology.
3). Register the sample into PathNet and cancel the test due to an "unsuitable" specimen. Discard the sample.