Please refer to specific information under individual tests, e.g. Anti Adrenal antibody, Anti Gastric Parietal Cell, etc
Individual tests must be clearly specified on the request form, "Autoantibody Screen" is NOT acceptable.
Autoantibody testing within the Alfred Pathology Service is shared between Immunology and Anatomical Pathology. Some tests are also referred externally. The list below provides details on who is responsible for performing individual assays.
Direct Enquiries to:
Immunology telephone 907 63616
Anatomical Pathology telephone 907 63150
Autoantibody Test
Test Performed By
Sendaway - St Vincents
Anti- Cardiolipin
Alfred Immunology
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Anti-Double Stranded DNA (DDNA)
Alfred Immunology
Anti- Extractable Nuclear Antigen (ENA)
Alfred Immunology
Anti-F Actin
Sendaway - St Vincents
Anti-Gastric Parietal Cell
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Alfred Immunology
Sendaway - St Vincents
Alfred Immunology
Anti-Intrinsic Factor
Alfred Immunology
Anti-Liver-Kidney Microsome
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Anti-Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
Alfred Immunology
Anti-Nueronal, including Purkinjie Cell
Sendaway - St Vincents
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic (ANCA)
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Anti-Nuclear (ANA)
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Sendaway - St Vincents
Anti-Proteinase 3 (PR3)
Alfred Immunology
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Anti-Skeletal Muscle
Sendaway - St Vincents
Anti-Skin – Basement Membrane, Intercellular Substance
Sendaway - St Vincents
Anti-Smooth Muscle
Alfred Anatomical Pathology
Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase (TTG)
Alfred Immunology