Alternative Names: | HMG Coenzyme-A Reductase Antibody |
Laboratory: | Haematology |
Test Code: | HMGCOA |
Specimen Types: | Serum |
Container Types: | |
Adults Volume or Mass: | 1 mL |
Minimum/Paediatric Volume or Mass: | 1 mL |
Collection & Request Instructions: | Collect at ambient temperature
Sent to western Australia Tuesdays and Thursdays |
Processing Instructions: | Aliquot Store frozen
Sent to western Australia Tuesdays and Thursdays |
Transport Instructions between Sites and/or Laboratories: | Room Temperature
Sent to western Australia Tuesdays and Thursdays |
Assay Frequency: | Weekly |
External Laboratory: | PathWest QEII Medical Centre |
External Transport Instructions: | Send Frozen on Dry Ice
Sent to western Australia Tuesdays and Thursdays |